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What should happen to the area between Karolina and Lower Vítkovice? Come and see a debate at the Gong!
At 6 p.m. on 15 June, the Gong auditorium in Lower Vítkovice will host a debate featuring architects (Josef Pleskot, Roman Koucký, …

Visitor numbers at Ostrava’s zoo and botanical park continue to grow, and this brings problems with parking. Especially at weekends, the …

Major revitalization of public space planned for Ostrava-Zábřeh
One of Ostrava’s most striking modern buildings is the Church of the Holy Spirit in Zábřeh. The City is keen to …

City offers and attractive site for residental development at Středoškolská st.
At its session on Wednesday 23 March, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved plans to sell land in the Ostrava-Jih municipal district for a …

It’s all about quality of life (even the architecture competitions!)
The interview with the MayorTomáš Macura. It was done by Robert McLean – the publisher of The Prime magazine at …

Revitalized historic slaughterhouse will be open for public viewing from mid-May
From the 16th of May to the 10th of June will be possible for members of the public to take …

Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian region have again showcased their opportunities at the prestigious investemet event MIPIM
After a three-year gap caused by the pandemic, the City of Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region once again participated in …

CLAIRO conference: Livable and climate resilient European cities
We are delighted to invite you to the online CLAIRO conference: Livable and climate resilient European cities. The conference is …

Investor plans to build the “Sitte Palace” – a new polyfunctional building in Přívoz
The City of Ostrava has received an offer from an investor and is now launching negotiations on a potential contract …

Ostrava will substantially reduce its CO2 output by 2030
At its February session, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved the City’s commitment to achieve a 55% reduction in its carbon dioxide …

A new commercial and industrial park will be built near the Lower Vítkovice complex
The developer P3 has launched construction of a brand-new commercial and industrial quarter called P3 Ostrava Central. The development is …

The Black Cube: From coal mining to data mining
The planned building in Ostrava nicknamed the “Black Cube” will not only provide new premises for the Moravian-Silesian Research Library; …

Preparations continue for the construction of a new multifunctional sports hall
A new multifunctional hall for sports and cultural events will be created on the site of a former bus depot …

Ostrava starts preliminary market consultations for the concert hall project
The City of Ostrava has started preparing the procurement procedure for one of the largest and most anticipated community amenity …

Ostrava’s Technical University is building a unique facility for working with alternative fuels
The Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies (CEET) at Ostrava’s VŠB Technical University is celebrating its first birthday. This research institute …

New suspended viewing gallery installed on the Ostravice River embankment
Another part of Ostrava’s city centre has now been given a makeover – the embankment along the Ostravice River, which …

The City has received bids for the site of the future “Rezidence Stodolní” development
Ostrava is entering into negotiations on the sale of the real estate complex known as “Rezidence Stodolní” in the city …

A new polyfunctional building is planned in Slezská Ostrava
At its first session in 2022, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved plans to sell land in Slezská Ostrava (Silesian Ostrava) located …

A model of Ostrava’s new concert hall has been created for acoustic measurements
Over the past 24 weeks, a precise model of the interior space in Ostrava’s planned new concert hall (on a …

The area outside Ostrava’s main railway station is set to undergo a major transformation
Ostrava’s main railway station is one of the most important points of entry into the city, yet its current appearance …

New strategy will help Ostrava to become a centre for top-quality education
At its November 2021 session, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved a key document setting out the City’s vision for education in …

New multifunctional building will stand on the corner of Nádražní and Českobratrská Streets
The City’s attempts to revitalize Ostrava’s historic city centre, and to steer its future development with an emphasis on expanding the …

Ostrava’s 2022 budget will prioritize investments
In 2022, the City of Ostrava will operate with a balanced budget of 12.3 billion CZK. The budget was approved by …

Reconstruction work launched at the former Ostravica-Textilia department store
The former Ostravica-Textilia department store is an iconic building in the heart of Ostrava’s city centre, which in the upcoming years will …

We are seeking an investment partner for architect Eva Jiřičná’s reconstruction of the “skyscraper”
At its December 2021 session, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved the plans to sell the building on Ostrčilova Street known locally …

The City of Ostrava’s education strategy up to 2030
At its November 2021 session, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved a key document setting out the City’s vision for education in …

New residential complex to be created near Stodolní Street and the historic former slaughterhouse
At a recent session, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved the plans to sell real estate with a total area of 3 …

Ostrava is attracting young talents and international experts
On 24 November 2021 the Spanish city of Málaga hosted the Global Startupcities Summit, which featured representatives of startups, entrepreneurs and …

A multi-functional building is planned for a site next to Nové Lauby
At its session on 10 November 2021, Ostrava’s City Assembly approved plans to sell a plot of land near Masaryk Square, …

Ostrava’s new research library – from coal mining to data mining
The design for the new Moravian-Silesian Research Library (known as the “Black Cube”) dates back 15 years, and it has …