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The left bank of the Ostravice River in Ostrava’s city center (the Moravian side of the river, at Havlíčkovo nábřeží) has been revitalized to create a new public space. Key aesthetic improvements include the creation of an additional suspended terrace and viewing point, the installation of high-quality street furniture, new greenery, and more. The embankment wall has been raised to clearly delineate the cycle route from the pedestrian area, and the paved surfaces and roadway have also been improved.

The current project was divided into two sections of the embankment; the work on each section was carried out independently by two different contractors.

  • the section Na Hradbách St. – Kostelní St.
  • the section between the Sýkora Bridge (Most Miloše Sýkory) and the footbridge at the Silesian Ostrava Castle

The revitalization of both sections was preceded by modernization work on the water and sewer pipelines, including the installation of a new sewer collector between Na Hradbách St. and Kostelní St.

Na Hradbách St. – Kostelní St.

Work on the section between Na Hradbách St. and Kostelní St. (including the ramp from 28. října Street) was carried out by the contractor K2 stavební Moravia based on project documentation compiled by UDI Morava. The work began in May 2021 and was completed at the end of the year.

The work included the construction of a new pedestrian walkway, the reconstruction of the cycle route along the embankment (including the separation of the areas for cyclists and pedestrians), and the planting of new greenery. The retaining wall flanking the ramp leading downwards from 28. října Street was also repaired, and repairs were also made to the road surface (including the optimization of parking spaces).

Sýkora Bridge – castle footbridge

The project documentation for the section between the Sýkora Bridge and the footbridge at the Silesian Ostrava Castle was drawn up by the architectural studio ARKOS s. r. o. The contractor carrying out the work was Firesta-Fišer. As in the case of the other section, the work began in May 2021 and was completed at the end of the year.

A new suspended gallery was installed on this section, the embankment wall was raised (to create separate areas for pedestrians and cyclists), and the adjacent pavement areas and roadway were also modernized. Stylish street furniture was installed, and trees and flowers were planted.

The suspended gallery (with a total surface area of 260 m²) consists of a monolithic concrete panel protruding over the edge of the embankment wall. It has been mounted on the existing retaining wall, which was raised for the purpose. The walking surface is paved in stone. The surface also incorporates laminated glass tiles with anti-slip surfaces, illuminated from below. The revitalization covered 994 m² of cycle paths, 1807 m² of pedestrian walkways, and 540 m² of road surfaces.

The history and future of the embankment revitalization

The latest revitalization work along the left (west) bank of the Ostravice River forms part of a wider-ranging transformation that has enhanced both banks of the river in recent years. The first project bringing aesthetic improvements to the left bank (Havlíčkovo nábřeží) was launched in 2012/2013 when two suspended viewing galleries were installed. The first is adjacent to the new parking area outside the Regional Court building, and the second is situated on the axis of Matiční Street. Work continued in the following years, bringing improvements on the right (east) bank including the planting of new greenery and the revitalization of existing greenery, the installation of street furniture and a workout area, the creation of a water sports jetty, and barrier-free access from the Miloš Sýkora monument (including the creation of a new terrace with seating and a viewing point).

The revitalization of the left bank is closely integrated with the project to build a university campus at Černá Louka. The next phases will bring improvements to the areas between the new campus and the river (Levobřežní St.), including a link between Havlíčkovo nábřeží and Levobřežní St. (i.e. from the castle footbridge to the tram bridge).

