Přeskočit na obsah

The aim of the Refill project was to provide a platform for the temporary use of vacant spaces as a publicly available service in Ostrava.

The project included an Action Plan setting out specific tools to support the temporary use of vacant premises. The aim was to create conditions that are beneficial to both parties – the owners of the non-residential premises as well as the temporary tenants – and to remove some of the complicated administrative and legislative obstacles which may deter both parties from entering into such an agreement. The project implementation period lasted from May 2016 to May 2018.

The total project budget was 47 228 EUR, of which 85% was sourced from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) via the URBACT III European cooperation programme and the remaining 15% was contributed by the City of Ostrava.

For more on the international Refill project (in English) see Journey to Temporary Use (downloadable as a PDF) or this magazine.

The Refill office

The pilot project for the Refill office was launched in May 2018 and represented a continuation of the Refill project after its completion. It tested the future provision of a public platform to organize the temporary use of vacant premises, and it was funded by the City of Ostrava. The aim of the pilot project was to determine whether such a public service was necessary and viable. Until 2019 the Refill office was run as part of the Cooltour cultural centre, and it was based at temporary premises in Českobratrská Street.

Since September 2019 the Refill office has been part of Ostrava’s Municipal Studio for Urban Planning and Architecture (MAPPA), and it has moved to new premises at Nádražní 17. The office puts interested parties in touch with the owners of vacant premises, serving as a point of direct contact between both parties.

Refill office:
Municipal Studio for Urban Planning and Architecture (MAPPA), Nádražní 17, Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava

Website www.refillova.cz

E-mail: info@refillova.cz
