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most expected building in the world
Výstavba nové koncertní haly za budovou Domu kultury města Ostravy s perfektní akustikou a kapacitou 1200-1400 diváků. V roce 2018 byla na podobu koncertní haly vyhlášena architektonická soutěž, kterou vyhrálo studio Steven Holl Architects + Architecture Acts z New Yorku. Spolu s výstavbou nové budovy dojde také k rekonstrukci Domu kultury.

The hall will be built to the design which won the architectural competition, submitted by New York-based Steven Holl Architects in conjunction with the Prague studio Architecture Acts.

A project of this scale and quality will represent a major boost to Ostrava’s international cultural prestige. Most people associate Sydney with its iconic opera house, and the Berliner Philharmonie is not only a wonderful venue for the city’s cultural life, but also a bold and much-admired example of experimental architecture. Ostrava’s new concert hall will be a similarly iconic world-class venue that will attract orchestras and visitors from all over the world.

Architectural design

The winner of the international architectural competition for the new concert hall was the New York studio STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS in conjunction with Prague-based ARCHITECTURE ACTS.

While the new concert hall is being built, the existing cultural centre will also undergo complete reconstruction. The City of Ostrava, the Moravian-Silesian Region, and the Ministry of Culture will cover the cost all together based on the memorandum.

For the latest information about progress on the project, see the Facebook page Ostrava Concert Hall (only in Czech) or the website.

Project location

Project list


1969 Preparation ikona I
2018 Intention ikona I
2023 Implementation ikona I
2027 Completion ikona I


  • The City of Ostrava
  • Steven Holl Architects Architectural design
  • Architecture Acts Architectural design


  • Břetislav Riger Deputy Mayor for Investments, Transport, and Traffic Administration
