Published: 04.10.2021

Multi-storey garages will help solve parking problems in Ostrava

Ostrava’s currently suffers from an acute shortage of parking spaces, a problem that particularly affects the city centre and the immediate surrounding areas. The City tries to solve this problem and its goal is reflected in several projects that will create new parking garages. The first is a parking garage at Ostrava’s City Hospital, where construction work will be launched in the very near future. It will be followed by a number of other parking garages in the upcoming years.

These will include a parking garage near the cathedral in the heart of the city centre, which will be built on a vacant lot between Msgre. Šrámka Square and Zámecká St. Currently the site is used as an open-air car park, operated by the City’s road management company Ostravské komunikace a.s. The new garage will have 7 above-ground levels (including the ground floor), offering 417 spaces. The winner of the architectural competition for the design of this garage was the Chalupa Architekti studio.

Another new parking garage will be built on 28. října St., on a site that is currently used as an open-air car park. The new garage will be ideally positioned to serve a cluster of institutions in the vicinity: the City of Ostrava Cultural Centre (and the planned new concert hall next to it), the planned Moravian-Silesian Research Library, the Petr Bezruč Theatre, the social security offices, and the Regional Authority. The garage will be built to the winning design in the architectural competition, submitted by Projektstudio EUCZ, and it will provide 600 parking spaces. Construction work is set to begin in 2022, and completion is scheduled for 2024.

Parking capacity in Ostrava’s city centre will also be boosted by parking garages integrated into a number of planned new residential complexes and other buildings. For example, the Nové Lauby residential development will offer 173 spaces, some of them for the general public. The new University of Ostrava campus at Černá Louka will also provide 155 parking spaces.

Ostrava’s individual municipal districts are also working on their own projects to solve parking-related problems. Poruba plans to build an underground car park on Budovatelská St., at the site of a current school playground; the car park will be built into the existing slope, and entry will be from Budovatelská St. The car park has been designed by Projektstudio EUCZ.

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