Published: 07.01.2022

The area outside Ostrava’s main railway station is set to undergo a major transformation

Ostrava’s main railway station is one of the most important points of entry into the city, yet its current appearance no longer meets the standards that are expected from a modern transport hub. However, a number of projects currently at the planning stage will bring major improvements in access as well as greatly enhancing the overall appearance of the station area. The space immediately outside the main entrance is currently the subject of a public urban planning tender for proposals to transform both the transportation infrastructure (access) and the public space itself; the proposals will potentially form the basis for more detailed investment plans. The City Council approved the announcement of the public tender at its session on 14 December 2021.

As befits the importance of this public space, the main emphasis in the tender will be on the quality of the proposals submitted. The criteria for evaluation – which have been elaborated by Ostrava’s Municipal Studio for Urban Planning and Architecture (MAPPA) (only in Czech) – will prioritize the best possible price/quality ratio.

The proposals submitted in the tender should present complete urban planning solutions in the form of a land use study, proposals for the overall architectural design of the public space outside the main station entrance, the integration of the proposed design with planned developments by other investors, and comprehensive solutions for transport/access infrastructure, including public transport, cycle routes, etc. Proposals should also include an analysis of parking capacity (and the potential location of a parking garage) and an optimum solution for the tram terminus (trams currently loop round in front of the station). The design should provide fully barrier-free access.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 21 January 2022.

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