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The new parking garage on 28. října Street will provide a solution to the long-term lack of parking spaces in the vicinity. This situation affects not only local residents, but also employees of and visitors to several major institutions in the vicinity – the City of Ostrava Cultural Centre, the Petr Bezruč Theatre, the social security offices, the tax authority, and the Moravian-Silesian Regional Authority. Currently the site is used for open-air surface parking (accessed from Na Jízdárně St. and offering a capacity of around 70 cars).

Architectural competition

In response to this long-term lack of parking facilities, in June 2019 the City announced an architectural competition for a new multi-storey parking garage.

The competition received 42 entries that the jury evaluated as being of good quality; two of them were rejected because they failed to comply with the terms and conditions. The other designs were graphically well-presented and respected the key requirements set out in the competition instructions, especially the need to create a high-quality streetscape and to maintain existing access routes to neighbouring buildings. 

The new garage will resemble a statue, and it represents an interesting and inventive response to the new concert hall that will be built on the other side of the main road. The competition jury evaluated not only the architectural design of the garage itself (including the landscaping of the public spaces around it), but also the use of the ground-floor level on the side facing the main road (shops and services), the technical facilities and traffic management design, the operating costs of the new garage, and the overall costs of construction. The garage will contain 600 parking spaces.

The competition jury included a number of renowned architects: Tadeáš Goryczka, Barbara Potysz (substituting for Pavla Melková), Aleš Student, David Chmelař and Martin Chválek. Other members were Ostrava’s Mayor Tomáš Macura, Deputy Mayor Zuzana Bajgarová, Deputy Mayor of the Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz municipal district David Witosz, and Deputy Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region Jaroslav Kania.

The winning design was submitted by PROJEKTSTUDIA EUCZ, s.r.o. The jury praised the design’s fresh and original approach, which reflected contemporary trends and introduced new impulses into the space.

Detailed information on the project can be found at the city website LAND OSTRAVA.

The parking garage in the media (in Czech)

