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The Municipal Studio for Urban Planning and Architecture (best known under its Czech abbreviation MAPPA) was set up on 1 July 2019 by the City of Ostrava, which funds the studio. MAPPA is tasked with creating the vision for Ostrava’s future urban development and coordinating related projects within the city.

On 1 October 2019 a new director of MAPPA was appointed – the architect Ondřej Vysloužil – who works with a team of experts on a range of relevant fields, from architecture and landscape architecture to urban planning, transport planning, data analysis and more. By the end of 2020 the MAPPA team is expected to have around 15 members.

The task of MAPPA is to provide the key conceptual guidance and impetus for architecture and urban development throughout Ostrava, applying a coherent approach to urban development in line with the latest international trends in order to enhance public space and architecture in the city and ultimately to improve quality of life.

MAPPA is responsible for coordinating several key projects implemented by the City. It is tasked with preparing architectural and urban planning competitions as well as with raising public awareness of issues related to urban development. It also organizes regular meetings featuring experts and the general public in an attempt to encourage and enhance public participation in urban development.

MAPPA’s key activities:

  • creating and implementing the City of Ostrava’s vision for urban development and spatial planning
  • providing expert consultancy and elaborating documentation on architecture, urban planning and development
  • assessing documents and issuing statements of opinion on proposed changes in Ostrava’s land use/zoning plans and studies for potential land use at specific sites
  • organizing urban planning/architectural competitions announced by the City of Ostrava
  • collating, updating and interpreting data of relevance to urban development and planning
  • stimulating and facilitating broad-based discussion involving representatives of the City, its municipal districts, investors and architects
  • encouraging members of the public to become involved in planning and decision-making with regard to urban development
  • working closely alongside universities and other institutions at the national and international levels, especially on urban planning and management

MAPPA’s core focus of interest:

  • housing
  • public space
  • quality of the environment
  • transport and mobility
  • urban density
  • innovation

MAPPA is based in a historic building at Nádražní 17, Moravská Ostrava.

Facebook MAPPA Ostrava

Contact: info@mappaostrava.cz

web: https://www.mappaostrava.cz/

