Published: 12.05.2022

Major revitalization of public space planned for Ostrava-Zábřeh

One of Ostrava’s most striking modern buildings is the Church of the Holy Spirit in Zábřeh. The City is keen to revitalize the entire public space in the vicinity of the church – and its future appearance will be based on an urban design competition being organized by Ostrava’s Municipal Studio for Urban Planning and Architecture (MAPPA). The intention is to transform this large open area into a pleasant place to relax, meet people, and engage in community activities. The deadline for interested parties to send their preliminary portfolios is 3 June 2022. The deadline for submitting the competition proposals (designs) is 30 September 2022. The results of the competition will be known by the end of the year.

Currently, the space next to the church is unattractive, being used merely as a parking lot. Competition entrants should propose a complete design solution for the entire public space, taking into consideration not only the church itself, but also other buildings in the vicinity – the Luna cinema, the Kotva shopping centre, the preschool, and the adjacent housing estate. They must also incorporate a new rectory building, which formed part of the original plans for the church. The City (and the Ostrava-Jih Municipal District) is determined to transform the square into a pleasant public space that will act as a hub for the entire surrounding area and a venue for community activities and relaxation. The terms and conditions of the competition can be viewed HERE (only in Czech).

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